For Business Owners

Power your business with GorillaDesk and grow your revenue.

For Admins

Improve business operations and keep customers happy.

For Technicians

Your on-the-go solution to simplify workflows and impress customers.

For Sales

Tools and insights to manage your sales process end-to-end.

Pest & Wildlife



Accelerator Course

This course is usually presented live over the course of a year. I’ve applied the core value of speed to this course to deliver it to you in a fraction of the time.

Using this course, my goal is to accelerate you forward professionally so you can hit your goals faster.

Module 1 - Intro to Accelerator

How accelerator changed my life and how I know it will take you to the next level. I learned all these lessons the hard way. 

Module 2 - Crafting Your Story

If you’re feeling anxious about the future then this is the perfect starting point. I definitely would not skip around the course. Completing this lesson first is important to progress forward.

Module 3 - Core Values

Every person and business needs a set of guiding principles. I’m going to teach you how to create core values to drive energy and alignment into your business. As with all my modules you’ll have a quick and easy process to follow to get started right away.

Module 4 - Goal Engineering

Here we will look at the goals you’ve chosen for your business and start to break down the planning process. We will determine key metrics which will be used in future hiring processes.

Module 5 - People & Score Cards

It’s our responsibility to review, coach and score our teams. I’ll teach you the processes that have worked for me when it comes to managing people.

Module 6 - Meeting Rhythyms

Nothing happens in your business without communication. We’ll review how to run effective meetings, how often we should meet and understand the difference between various meeting types.

Module 7 - Marketing & Sales

The lifeblood of any business is the marketing and sales pipeline. I’ll break down my approach to sales and how to get started with lead generation.

Module 8 - Operations

There are so many more processes to cover. This module will have a focus on the habits for an effective overhead view of your business.

Module 9 - Integrity Framework

Without integrity nothing works. How self-awareness and this basic principle can greatly enhance the way your entire team operates.

Chris Moreschi

Founder at GorillaDesk

In this free course, Chris teaches core business fundamentals to help accelerate your growth.

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