What’s new at GorillaDesk.
January 2021
SMS Update
The following improvements have been made to the SMS text messaging communicator. Now, you can:
- Send and receive emojis
- Send image and PDF attachments
- Select which contact you would like to message
- Filter messages by customer number and/or users
Recurring Invoice Update
If the first invoice is dated in the FUTURE, the system will automatically perform the action on the invoice. If the action is dated TODAY, the action will trigger immediately.
Invoice Footer Text
Invoice Footer text is moved to Settings > Template.
It is not under material usage anymore.
SMS Global Override Update
Late payment reminder is now included when turning on SMS global override.
Broadcast Improvement
You now have the ability to send Broadcasts by Email Only, SMS Only, or Both.
Job Notes and Customer Notes Improvement
You will now be able to see which user was notified in the note comments.
Outgoing Email Improvement
- There will be a drown down suggestion option when manually typing an email address into your outgoing message.
- Maximum of 3 emails in the ‘To’ field.
December 2020
Recurring Invoice Report
The Recurring Invoices Report allows you to see all Active and Failed recurring invoices and can be found under the Reports tab.
Stripe Subscription Report
The Stripe Subscriptions Report allows you to see all Active, Failed, and Canceled Stripe Subscriptions and can be found under the Reports tab.
October 2020
Android update 2.7.21
- Copy & pasting from SMS
- Billing email cc for Estimate
- Send the invoice for e-signature
Customer Merge
The customer merge feature allows you to merge multiple customer accounts together, creating one primary account with multiple sub-locations.
- All of the information from the merged accounts will carry over to the primary account except for the top note.
Add documents to service templates
- You now have the ability to pre-define documents to your service templates to help you save even more time when creating jobs.
Note: This is only available for Pro Plan users with the Documents addon enabled.
September 2020
Email & SMS update
- [::start_time::] variable is now available under email and sms variables
Logic update: Sending manual confirmations and reminders
- The system will no longer filter manually sending reminders and confirmations by service type.
- You can manually send a reminder/confirmation to any job on the calendar.
View your entire customer list in map view
- This feature now allows you to view your full customer list on a map.
Android update 2.7.19
- Square API surcharge is now available when adding Square payments through the app.
- A bug causing customers to appear as ‘undefined’ when adding a new customer has been resolved.
SMS notification logic updates
- Tech users will get a push notification when a customer is texting.
- Conditions applied: they are only going to get a notification if there is an active job assigned to them for that customer.
- Techs will no longer receive the scheduling C and R (confirmation) notifications.
In progress for Android and iOS:
- The SMS messages they will see will be filtered.
- Techs will only see the text messages from a customer that they have an active job (regardless of the date of the active job)
Note: Admins will receive all notifications and messages
August 2020
QuickBooks now supports Canada tax sync
The QuickBooks Online addon now supports syncing Canada tax rates.
- These rates will now be synced into QuickBooks as taxes rather than items/sales.
Please note: This will only affect newly synced invoices.
New and improved route optimizer
We’ve made some changes to the Route Optimizer, to make your routing even more robust.
- The new Drive Matrix (power up) provides smarter logic, utilizing actual street routing and drive times.
- The new visual preview toggle allows you to preview your route on the map and calendar before accepting your changes.
- Click here to learn more.
Superadmin notifications
All system notifications have been turned ON by default for all Superadmins (account owners).
- If you would like to disable notifications, please follow these instructions.
Vicinity (power up) has been disabled
- The Vicinity GPS power up has been temporarily disabled while we work on improving the effectiveness of this feature.
- In the mean time, we suggest utilizing Overwatch (power up): Overwatch saves additional tech coordinates at the exact time of check in.
Display payment method
- You can now display the payment method on paid invoices.
- This can be found in Settings > Templates.
July 2020
iOS 2.7.17
The following iOS issues have been resolved:
- Unable to scroll down when editing notes on some devices
- Unable to check in to a job on some devices
iOS 2.7.14
The following iOS issues have been resolved:
- Cursor disappearing sometimes while typing notes
- The ‘Save’ button disappearing when adding notes or saving a document
- The SMS view while typing a new text message
- Some devices unable to open PDFs
- Some devices unable to take Square payments in the field
- Some devices unable to open an address on the map
- Sketch drawing app not loading properly
- and more community fixes
iOS 2.7.12
We have placed bug fixes into effect for the following iOS issues:
- Document statuses were fixed regarding pending signatures.
- We’ve fixed an issue causing Sketch to zoom in on the image while being edited.
- We’ve fixed the option to add a note to estimates.
- An issue causing there to be a three-line limit on job tiles has been resolved.
- An issue causing the keyboard cursor to disappear when typing notes on the mobile app has been resolved.
- An issue intermittently causing a white screen when opening the app has been resolved.
Logic update for mobile push notifications
- Techs will no longer receive a push notification on mobile for C and R (confirm or reschedule) replies. However, admins will still receive it.
- Techs will need to have an active job for that customer in order to receive a push notification. This is to prevent the tech from getting an SMS from other jobs that are not assigned to them.
- Admins will get a notification regardless.
Confirmation links inside SMS
- We have released the [::short_url::] variable for SMS confirmations.
- The [::short_url::] variable is a great option for accounts with multiple locations and one contact number.
- It will allow your customer to better identify the job they are going to confirm when they are the messaging contact for multiple locations.
Online Booking (version 1)
- GorillaDesk’s new Online Booking add-on will allow prospects or current customers to schedule New services directly from your email links, website and/or customer portal.
- Click here for more information.
Email Inbox (beta)
- Email Inbox add-on will allow you to sync your existing business email account directly with GorillaDesk.
- Open and reply to business emails directly inside GorillaDesk.
- See the customer’s email history inside their profile.
- Create common business-related email templates to save more time.
- Improve your overall customer support experience.
- Inbox also features an integrated Task manager!
Email Inbox alert for Gmail users
All Gmail accounts planning to continue to use the Email Inbox must have a G Suite enabled Gmail account.
- Once you’re certain your email is G Suite enabled you will need to White-list GorillaDesk’s API in your G Suite admin panel.
June 2020
Invoice frequency update
- We’ve made some changes to the invoice frequency feature, giving you more flexibility with the way you handle your invoicing.
- You’re recurring invoices now have the ability to automatically charge a card on file and email a receipt.
Cheetah Update
- Calendar load speed has improved by 5x on the desktop
- Calendars previously loaded from 2.5-3 seconds and are now loading at 600 ms.
- These improvements expand to customer search, customer records, reports and more
- Almost all areas of the application have received benefits from the Cheetah update
Android fixes 2.7.11
- Fixed zoom issue when using ‘Sketch’.
- Fixed document status display issue.
- Fixed 3 line limit when viewing job tiles.
May 2020
Community fixes and improvements
- Improved loading time for customer profiles.
- Accurate email status: You can now mouse over to view the error message.
- Improved loading for SMS chatbox.
- Improved loading job events on the calendar.
April 2020
Email Inbox and Email Templates
- Send and receive emails all from within your GorillaDesk account.
- Email accounts with IMAP set up will have 2-way sync which automatically attaches incoming emails (and emails you send outside of GorillaDesk) to your leads.
- Email tracking will allow you to track when sent emails are opened.
- Customize your very own email templates and save them for future use.
Click here to learn more.
- Add a surcharge line item to all invoices paid through this merchant.
- Customize your surcharge’s note, item and taxes to modify how it will appear on your invoices.
Change weather format
- You now have the ability to choose which weather scale you’d like when pulling weather data.
- This can be found in your Company Settings.
Review Engine improvement
- You now have the ability to bypass GorillaDesk’s Review capture and send customers directly to your review link.
- Please note that with this enabled, reviews will not be captured in service and likely rating reports.
Mobile bug fixes
- An issue causing HTML to appear in note fields and line item descriptions has been resolved.
- An issue affecting missing photos in notes has also been resolved.
- An issue affecting notes formatting has been fixed.
January 2020
Fixes around issues caused by the newest iOS update.
We’ve released an update to the mobile app to address a few issues affecting users on certain iOS devices.
- Fixed: White loading screen issues when opening the app.
- Fixed: Voice to text not functioning as intended.
December 2019
E-Sign Estimates & Invoices
Take your customer management to the next level with the ability to email invoices and estimates for e-signature. This feature is only available on the Pro Plan and will allow your customers to:
- Sign an invoice or estimate directly from their email.
- Forward their signed paperwork back to your GorillaDesk account with just a click.
- Download a signed copy of their paperwork.
Task Management Inbox!
Stay organized and keep your team on track with task management inside GorillaDesk. Available for all users and plans.
- Open up any job or customer’s account to create a task for yourself or another user.
- View daily task notifications in your dedicated task inbox.
- Complete your assigned tasks or snooze them for the future.
Updated NPMA-33 is Here!
- The updated version of the NPMA-33 can be found in the document library.
- Please note that the previous NPMA-33 will be obsolete after 12/31/19.
Mobile App Update (iOS 13)
We’ve updated the mobile app to resolve some issues caused by Apples’ iOS 13 updates. The following issues should be resolved at this time:
- Voice to text cutting out
- App crashing when voice to text is used
- Cursor issue on notes – Cannot move the cursor beyond up and down, and cannot create an estimate.
- Cannot copy and paste
- Signatures not functioning correctly
November 2019
SMS Global Override (power-up)
- It can be found under Settings > SMS Text Messaging
- IMPORTANT: Once activated, this feature will override ALL of your current Customer Messaging preferences and opt them into SMS as well as Email.
Stripe Subscription Updates
- Stripe Subscription End Dates! You now have the ability to set an end date when adding a Stripe Subscription to a customer’s account.
- Click here to learn more about Stripe Subscription billing.
Recent Fixes
- An issue with drag and drop functionality on iPads using iOS 13 has been resolved. You should now be able to drag and drop a job using the desktop version of GorillaDesk on an iPad using Chrome or Safari.
- An issue causing some users to be thrown back to the login screen when attempting to access various features inside the desktop application.
- An issue causing your payment method to default to ‘Stripe’ whenever taking payments has been resolved.
- A Bug causing random text in job notes to appear as links have also been resolved.
October 2019
HTML Code issue fixed
- An issue causing HTML code to appear within line item descriptions has been resolved
Credit Card Log
- Allow customers to choose if they would like to save their card to the portal only or to GorillaDesk.
- Note: effective only for cards added today and moving forward.
Payment Log
- View your customer’s payment in GorillaDesk.
- This will show timestamped logs of how payments were made and which user processed the payment.
- Payment logs can be found in the ‘Customer Note’ section of their account.
New Statement Filters
These filters will allow you to:
- Display P.O. numbers
- Display payment date
- Display $0 (non-payment) invoices
Invoice Frequency Improvements
New invoice frequency improvements will allow you to:
- Edit the next recurring invoice.
- Delete the invoice template if you would like to stop it from recurring.
- Delete a job with a recurring invoice attached without having to delete the invoice as well.
September 2019
SMS ‘On the way’ Messaging
Maximize your customer communication like never before, with our new SMS ‘On the Way’ feature! With just a few clicks you can:
- Provide your customers with an accurate arrival time, updated in real-time.
- Allow your customers to view your location on a map, as you travel to their service location.
Click here to learn more.
Stripe and Square Updates
Our latest Stripe and Square updates will make your billing process more robust than ever. Now, you can:
- Save multiple cards onto your customer’s account using both Stripe and Square.
- Provide your customers with the ability to save multiple cards into their customer portal.
- Set your default payment method and allow your customers to pay online using both Stripe or Square.
August 2019
Mobile Version 2.7
- Route lines will now display on the map view.
- Map view gains the ability to view upcoming jobs.
- Paste an On the Way SMS message.
- Scheduling option to repeat daily every 60 days.
- Scheduling option for the 1st & 3rd week of the month.
- Scheduling option for the 2nd & 4th week of the month.
- Upload multiple images at once with multi-select.
July 2019
Commission Tracking
This tool will add another layer to make your sales process more seamless than ever. With Commission Tracking you can:
- Save even more time while leveling up your sales process.
- Assign a percentage or numerical value to each of your line items.
- Apply those custom values to all or specific team members to track results.
- Easily run a report to collect your data.
- Fine-tune your report by date range, commission type, staff member, invoice status and payment method to produce the exact results you need.
- Export your report to .CSV, Excel or Print with just a click.
Color Coding
GorillaDesk’s new color-coding feature makes scheduling even easier.
- Assign custom colors to your service templates and watch them come to life on your calendar AND in your work pool.
- Toggle between job status, service, zip, and county color variations to best fit your workflow.
- Easily schedule jobs based on proximity or service type.
Click the link below for more info!
Mobile Version 2.6
- View your jobs on the new mobile app map view. Click here to learn more.
- Fixed an issue uploading images to Sketch.
- Real-time improvements & display load times.
- Updates and support for new phone versions.
April 2019
Invoice Frequency
Invoice Frequency will allow your invoice to:
- Repeat on a separate frequency than your recurring job
- Automatically send by email on the specified date
- Enhance your workflow when a billing cycle doesn’t align with a recurring service
- Make your billing options much more robust
- Available across desktop & mobile
Mobile Version 2.5
- User notifications now have a Read and Unread view
- Images now automatically preview in notes
- Add materials easier with improved UI
- Recurring job notes feature comes to the app
- Ability to remove and delete invoices
- Copy and paste now works inside SMS chat
- Fixes for pulling from image libraries
- Additional community fixes and optimizations
March 2019
Write Off Invoice Status
Invoice Frequency will allow your invoice to:
- Repeat on a separate frequency than your recurring job
- Automatically send by email on the specified date
- Enhance your workflow when a billing cycle doesn’t align with a recurring service
- Make your billing options much more robust
- Available across desktop & mobile
Mobile Version 2.4.9
- Faster page loading processes and animations
- Job changelogs are now available
- New Permission: remove the ability to choose “this time and all recurring”
- Sent invoice status is no longer required for taking a payment
- Address autocomplete is now improved for more countries
- Improved real-time job status changes
- Fix for pulling Square payments
- Fix for pulling weather data
- Additional fixes based on community feedback
November 2018
- Our in-app graphing and drawing features for field use. It’s out now for Android.
Coming soon to iOS
Customer Portal
- Our first iteration of the most mobile-friendly customer portal on the market.
Review Generation
- Where other companies are charging $250-$299 per month for review generation, GorillaDesk has pushed review tools to our Pro plan at no added cost.
- Yes it’s time for you to upgrade to Pro!
October 2018
Mobile Version 2.4.5
- Add Documents to Customer Accounts (no job required)
- Ability to Add Discounts to Invoices
- Settings to Control Your Map Preference (Waze integration now available)
- Lock Icon to Signal Locked Events
- Upload from Your Device for Location & Device Photos
Coming soon to mobile:
- Drawing and graphing in the app
- More offline job features
Desktop updates
- Bill to CC email field is now available to set a second email for receiving invoices and receipts
- Quickly pull materials from the previous recurring service
- Based on your feedback we’ve updated your desktop map pins to coordinate with the color assigned to each schedule.
Ready to Streamline Your Workload?
Get started today with no credit card required!