For Business Owners

Power your business with GorillaDesk and grow your revenue.

For Admins

Improve business operations and keep customers happy.

For Technicians

Your on-the-go solution to simplify workflows and impress customers.

For Sales

Tools and insights to manage your sales process end-to-end.

Chapter 1

Why We Wrote This Guide

If you’re anything like our customers, you’ve put off marketing your small business (or tried and failed) for one of the following reasons. You’re either tight on time, cash-strapped, wary of hiring an agency, or all the above.

Here’s the thing, finding a reputable marketing resource isn’t the problem.

A quick Google search reveals plenty of marketing books, videos, and courses for every type of business imaginable.

It’s finding a resource that:

  • Is easy to digest, and even easier to act upon.
  • Shares the resources required for the best marketing channels.
  • Explains online marketing in layman terms.

Which is where The Small Business Blueprint: How to Find New Customers and Grow Your Field-Service Company Online steps up to the plate and knocks it out of the park.

Who This Guide Is For

You are dedicated, passionate, and hard-working…

But you’re also overwhelmed, overworked, and wearing too many hats.

If that sounds like you, you’re likely a small business owner, operator, or employee trying to take your company to the next level.

The good news is we wrote this guide with you in mind. It’s loaded with basic marketing truths, easy-to-use exercise sheets, and all around great advice.

So if getting new customers (and keeping existing ones) is important to your small business, this guide is perfect for you.

How to Use This Guide

This guide is composed of five action-packed chapters (aka mini-guides), each of which can be read in isolation.

That said, we recommend reading the guide cover-to-cover at least once. You can then return to individual chapters as a reference resource when needed.

The reason being that each new chapter builds upon the previous one, which will help you connect the dots much easier.

What to Expect

This guide is (and will remain) a living document, which means that it will be edited and updated often…

Why? Well for starters, the marketing landscape is changing, which leaves software providers like us with two options. Adapt or get left behind.

And we don’t have any plans to be left behind.

In fact, we have plans to be known as boundary-breaking trailblazers on the marketing frontier.

We have the team and resources to keep our finger on the industry’s pulse, stay abreast the latest trends, and share those growth strategies with you.

We’re also going to practice what we preach and develop handy resources (like this guide) to help you grow your business.

So bookmark this page and come back often, because this guide will act as your compass and help you navigate the marketing landscape.

Up Next…

2. Double Down On Your Customers