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Display URL: Include Your Top Keywords

The display URL is the second most visible element in your ad. Use the two “Path” fields to give potential customers a better sense of where they’ll be taken when they click your ad.

The display URL is the second most visible element in your ad. If you’re lucky enough to have the keyword or search phrase in your domain name, you’re pretty much guaranteed to have a higher Click-Through-Rate (CTR). So if you can get your hands on such a domain, you have the opportunity to potentially double your CTR.

Regardless, we recommend you test other variations like these in your display URL, including use of keywords as subdomains (which replace the “www”) or subdirectories (which always follow the “/” slash), and capitalization within those subdirectories:


Get your FREE keyword list

Do you own a local service business? Well, you're in luck! We've created a simple spreadsheet (with our favorite search terms) for the following industries:

Pest Control
Lawn Care
Pool Service

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