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Get a detailed section-by-section overview of the HUD-99B form, learn who is responsible for filling it up, and everything else you need to know.

Form HUD-NPMA-99B is also known as the New Construction Subterranean Termite Service. Unlike the HUD-NPMA 99A, It is filled up by the pest control company.

Then the pest control company submits it to the builder to accompany the HUD-NPMA-99A to closing. For any work done by the pest control company, a HUD-NPMA-99B must be completed by the pest control company as follows: 

Section-1: General Information

  • Company Business License: The company business license is the license the pest control company holds to perform pest control activities. 

The state pest control regulatory agency issues this license. If the state does not issue business licenses, enter “not applicable in this state.”

  • FHA/VA Case No.: The FHA/VA Case No. is entered if available. If the pest control company does not know the number, enter “N/A” or “not available.” 

Section-2: Builder Information

  • Builder’s Name
  • Phone Number

Section-3: Property Information

  • Structure’s location – street address or legal description, city, state and zip code.

Section-4: Service Information

    • Date(s) of Service(s)
    • Check the type of construction. You can check more than one boxes (if applicable)
      1. Slab
      2. Basement
      3. Crawl
      4. Other
    • Soil Applied Liquid Termiticide: Check the box if this method is used and enter treatment information.
    • Wood Applied Liquid Termiticide: Check the box if this method is used and enter the treatment information.
    • Bait System Installed:  Check the box if this method is used and enter the information listed.
    • Physical Barrier System Installed: Check the box if this method is used and enter the name of the system and attach installation information such as locations, etc., according to the manufacturer specifications.
    • Check whether a Service Agreement is Available. If yes,
      1. List all attachments in the “Attachments” section.
      2. List any comments in the “Comments” section.
      3. Enter the name of the applicator(s), and
      4. Certification number (if required by state law).

Once you fill up all the above information, you or the signatory authority at your pest control company is required to sign and date the form.

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