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Get a detailed section-by-section overview of the HUD-99A form, learn who is responsible for filling it up, and everything else you need to know.

The HUD-NPMA-99A, also known as the Subterranean Termite Protection Builder’s Guarantee, is to be completed by the builder. It has two boxes to be considered by the builder. 

1) Box One

The first box is checked when the pest control company did the work (nearly always). Then the builder will check the type of service(s) used by the pest control company, which includes termite baiting system, field applied wood treatment, soil treatment, and/or installed physical barrier system. 

The builder guarantees that all services must comply with the International Residential Code. 

2) Box Two

The second box is checked if the builder installs termite prevention via using pressure-treated lumber. 

The builder must also initial this section guaranteeing code compliance. We expect the use of box two to be rare. The builder then signs and dates the form as was done in the past.


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Get your copy of the new NPMA-33 Form today!

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