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Lawn care equipment list: What you need to start a business

GorillaDesk Staff

How to generate lawn care leads and outgrow the competition

If your boots aren’t grass-stained yet, we’ll tell you this right now: You’ll never regret starting your own lawn care business. You’re your own boss; you can make good money and dig into the game-like fun of growing your own sweet-smelling company.

A warning: Don’t let anybody say you need anything but a mower and a string trimmer. Sure, the other grass-eating gear in this lawn care equipment list will make your life easier, help you make more money, and deliver a more professional product. But — you can get started with just a couple borrowed items and a passion for good work.

Pest Control Equipment List


“I can not say enough good things about GorillaDesk. it saves us so much time and money. We’ll be customers for life.”

-Ryan Sullivan, Business Owner

Complete lawn care equipment list

  • Push mower: $350
  • String trimmer: $150
  • Gas cans: $50
  • Blower: $150
  • Zero turn mower: $3,000
  • Hedge trimmer: $200
  • Professional string trimmer: $300
  • Edger: $300
  • Dedicated truck: $15,000 to $60,000
  • Trailer: $5,000
  • Lawn care business software: $49/mo

Basic lawn care equipment list: $550

What do you really need to start a lawn care business? Not much. You can ignore anyscoffing pros and get going on the cheap with this bare-bones list. Then scroll down to see other turf-trimming goodies you can add as you get rolling.

Push mower as lawn care equipment

1) Push mower: $350

Yes, you absolutely need a push mower, even if you borrow one at first. Any lawn care professional worth their garden gloves will say you need a pro model for its longer lifespan. Or get a zero-turn to make your life a whole lot easier (with price tags up to $5,000). But you can easily get going with something super cheap and simple, and upgrade as your business grows.

2) String trimmer: $150

You can’t mow lawns without at least a string trimmer to tidy up around the edges. You can angle it to use it as an edger/blower around patios and driveways. Watch a couple YouTube videos on how to use a string trimmer to learn some hacks and tips.

Gas Cans for Lawn Care Equipments

3) Gas cans: $50

Don’t forget to buy two gas cans: a 2-gallon and a 5-gallon. The small one is for your string trimmer, and the large one feeds your mower. Why do you need different cans? Because your trimmer will likely need a gas-oil mix, which would wreck your mower.

Pro Tip: Resist the urge to buy a battery-powered mower or string trimmer. The tech isn’t quite there yet for pro use. The batteries won’t recharge well on hot days.

Just starting a new lawn care business? Getting clients is the hardest part. See tips in our article on how to start a lawn care business.

More lawn care equipment (for when you get rolling)

Don’t jump into the middle of the ocean to learn how to swim, and don’t buy all the gear below until you’re making good money. Once your revenue stream is gushing like a DeWalt pressure washer, spring for these items in order.

Lawn Care Mowers

1) Blower: $100 to $200

Using a blower for cleanup is easier than angling a string trimmer, and your homeowners will breathe a happy sigh when they see your pro-quality work. You can get away with a battery-powered model here since you’ll only use it for a few minutes at each stop.

Zero turn mowers for lawn care services

2) Zero turn mower: $1,000 to $5,000

Before you own your first zero turn, you’ll wonder what the fuss is about. Afterward, you’ll never let it go. They drive and turn super fast, without the backtracking and 9-point turn so that you can trim more acreage, do more lawns, and make more money. Pay close attention to the features, engine type, and cutting width.

Hedge Trimmer for lawn care service

3) Hedge trimmer: $200

“Can you tidy up my hedges, too?” A hedge trimmer isn’t just a piece of gear. It’s a whole new line of business. You can add 50% to every invoice when you trim the verge. Look for a model with blades of different lengths for different-sized jobs.

4) Professional string trimmer: $300

Once your first season is in the books, think about getting a professional string trimmer. You’ll find it easier to do fine work, and most commercial models are a lot lighter, letting you end the day feeling a lot less like a bag of mulch.

How much should you charge for lawn care services? See our handy, downloadable lawn care pricing chart.

5) Edger: $300

You may think an edger is a luxury, but you’ll notice a big difference from using a string trimmer on the borders. Your edges around walkways and tar will look much cleaner, and you’ll do more billable work with less sweat and struggle.

Lawn care service truck

6) Dedicated truck: $15,000 to $60,000

If you already have a vehicle, you don’t need to buy a truck to start a lawn care business. But if you’re scaling up, you’ll need a truck for every crew. A truck is like a rolling advertisement, too, so the more professional it looks, the higher quality of clients you’ll attract.

7) Trailer: $5,000

You can pack your gear in the back of a pickup, but an enclosed trailer will protect your gear from sun and rain without loading and unloading (time is money). Open trailers work great, too — it all comes down to your budget.

GorillaDesk lawn care software

8) Lawn care business software: $49/mo

You’ll shorten more grass in less time with lawn care business software. The right platform can make short work of scheduling and invoicing, and tighten your route density for less driving between jobs. Check out GorillaDesk’s top-rated software with a free trial. Once you do, you’ll never go back.

Other non-equipment needs

Aside from lawn care equipment, you’ll need a couple other things to start a hassle-free lawn care company that piles up money like a power rake.

  • Learn small engine repair. You’ll save a brush-pile-sized heap of money if you know how to turn a wrench and change a plug. You can learn everything you need from YouTube University to save on maintenance expenses.
  • A place to dump leaves and mulch. Most lawn care customers will let you mulch your clippings, but some won’t. Try to get in with a farm or a pit in need of compost. You can also use the local dump, which may or may not charge you for the service.

Grow your new lawn care business with GorillaDesk

Whether you target a million in revenue or keep it simple, a lawn care app like GorillaDesk can make your lawn care business better. GorillaDesk can boost your route density, trim your workload, tame your appointment book, and simplify your billing, giving you more time to do what you do best.

GorillaDesk is the highest-rated lawn care software on top review sites like Capterra, and for a good reason. Our exemplary customer service chats with you in an average of three minutes, and our interface is legendary for its ease of use and full-featured power. Call for a free demo today.

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