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How to analyze your GMB leads

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to breakdown customer actions on your GMB listing into phone calls (from call tracking), link clicks (to your website), and direction requests (to your business’ address), view which day of the week you received the most leads, and so much more.

GMB Leads

The GMB Leads dashboard is connected to your Google My Business listing and call tracking number, so you can more accurately track the leads your GMB listing generates each month.

To access the GMB Leads dashboard, hover over the GorillaDesk label in the sidebar and click the Dashboard link. Then click the GMB Leads title.

Comparison Report

The Comparison Report allows you to compare the number of leads you received this month (28 days) against the number of leads you received during a 28-day period one month, one quarter, and one year ago. This metric is important to track and improve because increasing the number of leads (phone calls) you receive from your GMB listing month-over-month is a leading indicator of the number of customers you will close each month.

Keep in mind this is the number of times the call tracking number on your GMB listing was called, so if you haven’t use call tracking before, the GMB Leads dashboard is going to show zero for those previous periods because that specific call tracking number wasn’t called.

Note: If your business is seasonal, meaning there are fluctuations in demand throughout the year, the most important metric to track in the Comparison Report is the number of leads you received this month versus the number of leads you received during the same month one year ago. This will help you determine whether or not the number of leads (phone calls) you generate from your GMB listing is growing year-over-year.

Line Chart

The Line Chart allows you to visualize your GMB leads for the specific date range selected: week, month, or quarter. This view is perfect for spotting fluctuations between specific days.

Breakout Table

Google My Business tracks the following customer actions by default: link clicks, direction requests, and phone calls. The problem with link clicks and direction requests is they aren’t leads yet (i.e., you haven’t collected their contact information). The problem with the method GMB uses to track phone calls is it doesn’t count the number of times someone called your number on desktop devices. So the breakout section gives you an understanding of the total times the call tracking number on your Google My Business listing was called.

Day of Leads

The Day of Leads bar chart allows you to breakdown your GMB Leads by the day of the week, so you know which days the call tracking number is called the most and least.

GMB Actions

The GMB Actions table showcases the following customer actions: phone calls (from call tracking), link clicks (to your website), and direction requests (to your address). These metrics help you understand how potential customers are interacting with your GMB listing.

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