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Editing Existing Pages

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to edit an existing page. We’ll use the Home page as an example since it has the most common widgets.


How to edit the Home page

Hero Section

To edit a Heading widget, click the blue Pencil icon. 

  • Only edit the Title field in the Content tab.
  • Recommendation: Include the service name and city in this heading.

To edit a Text widget, click the blue Pencil icon. 

  • Only edit the Text Editor field in the Content tab.

To edit an Icon List widget, click the blue Pencil icon. 

  • Select the Item you’d like to edit from the list and only edit the Text field.
  • Note: You’ll notice there are two Icon List widgets. To toggle between the two variations (desktop & mobile), click the Responsive Mode icon (🖥️) in the Panel.

Social Proof Section

To edit an Image Box widget, click the blue Pencil icon.

  • Only edit the Choose Image, Title, and Description fields in the Content tab.
  • Note: These are global widgets, so if you update the image, star rating, or number of reviews here, they’ll update everywhere on your website.

Three Steps Section

To edit an Icon Box widget, click the blue Pencil icon.

  • Only edit the Icon, Title, and Description fields in the Content tab.
  • Recommendation: Tell potential customers how to get started OR let them know how you do work (i.e., 1. Inspection, 2. Trapping & Removal, and 3. Exclusion Work).

Services Section

To edit an Icon Box widget, click the blue Pencil icon.

  • Only edit the Icon, Title, and Description fields in the Content tab.
  • Click the Icon Library button to find the right icon for your service.
  • Add the link and service name to the Title field. The format is as follows:
    • Format:  <a href=”“>Service Name</a>
    • Example: <a href=””>Ant Control</a>
  • Finally, add a brief description of the service to the Description field.
    • Recommendation: Pull this content from the first paragraph on the Service page.

Why Choose Us Section

To edit a Heading widget, click the blue Pencil icon.

  • Only edit the Title field in the Content tab.

To edit a Text widget, click the blue Pencil icon.

  • Only edit the Text Editor field in the Content tab.

To edit an Image widget, click the blue Pencil icon.

  • Only edit the Choose Image field in the Content tab.
    • Drop files to upload or click the Select Files button.

Testimonials Section

To edit a Testimonial Carousel widget, click the blue Pencil icon. 

  • Select the testimonial you’d like to edit from the list of Slides and only edit the Content, Image, and Name fields.
    • Recommendation: Use descriptive reviews and keep them the same length.
    • Note: This is a global widget, so if you update it here, it’ll update everywhere.

Coupons Section

To edit a Call To Action widget, click the blue Pencil icon.

  • Expand the Content section and only edit the Title and Description fields.
    • Note: The phone number in the Link field will update automatically. Also, these are global widgets, so if you update them here, they’ll update everywhere on your site.

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