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Pest & Wildlife




How to customize your PowerCart settings

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to customize your Service Area and Notification settings.


Business Tab

Core Information

  • Business Name
  • Industry

Contact Information

  • Your Name
  • Business Email
  • Business Phone
  • Website URL

Business Address

  • Street Address
  • Floor, Suite, Unit
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Country

Business Details

  • Opening Hours
  • Payment Options
  • Year Established

Social Media

  • Google My Business URL
  • Facebook Page URL
  • Instagram Handle
  • Twitter Handle

Branding Tab


  • Logo: Upload a high-resolution logo with a transparent background (PNG format).

Primary Color

  • Primary: Enter the hex color code OR use the color picker to select a primary color.
  • Accent: Enter the hex color code OR use the color picker to select an accent color.

Service Area Tab

Zip Code Required

  • By default, this option is toggled OFF.
  • Toggle this ON to prevent submissions if the zip code field is empty.

States (Optional)

  • Select your state from the list, then click Save Changes to reveal the zip codes.

Zip Codes (Optional)

  • Use the search bar to filter the list of zip codes.
  • If your business serves customers within a specific area, check those zip code boxes.
    • This will prevent prospects outside your service area from submitting the form.

Notifications Tab

Online Quotes

  • Toggle this ON to receive an email when someone completes the instant price form.

Phone Calls

  • By default, this option is toggled OFF.
  • Toggle this ON to receive an email when someone calls one of your tracking numbers.
    • Statuses: Answered, Missed, Voicemail, and Abandoned.

Monthly Reports

  • Toggle this ON to receive a monthly report with your core marketing metrics.
    • Current Month vs. 1 Month Ago vs. 1 Quarter Ago vs. 1 Year Ago

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