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How to analyze traffic to your GMB listing

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to track how much your GMB views have grown month-over-month, breakdown those views into the total number of times your GMB listing appeared in the search and map results, respectively, and so much more.

GMB Views

The GMB Views dashboard is connected to your Google My Business listing account, and allows you to analyze the traffic your GMB listing has received and view trends over time.

To access the GMB Views dashboard, hover over the GorillaDesk label in the sidebar and click the Dashboard link. Then click the GMB Views title.

Note: the data in the GMB Views dashboard is imported directly from your GMB listing and will always be 2-3 days behind, so don’t worry if you see few zeros for the last few days.

Comparison Report

The Comparison Report allows you to compare the number of GMB Views (search and map results) your GMB listing has received this month (28 days) against the number of views you received during a 28-day period one month, one quarter, and one year ago. This metric is important to track and improve because increasing the number of views you receive is a leading indicator of the number of phone calls you’ll receive from your GMB listing.

Note: If your business is seasonal, meaning there are fluctuations in demand throughout the year, the most important metric to track in the Comparison Report is the number of views you received this month versus the number of views you received during the same month one year ago. This will help you determine whether or not your Google My Business listing is appearing more often in the search and map results year-over-year.

Line Chart

The Line Chart allows you to visualize your GMB Views for the specific date range selected: week, month, or quarter. This view is perfect for spotting fluctuations between specific days.

Breakout Table

The Breakout Table segments your views into Search Listing, Map Listing, and Total Views so you can understand where your Google My Business (GMB) listing is appearing most often.

Day of Views

The Day of Views bar chart allows you to breakdown your GMB Views by the day of the week, so you know which day your GMB listing is visited the most and least.

Channel Grouping

The Channel Grouping table counts the total number of times your GMB listing appeared in the search and map results for the specific date range selected: week, month, or quarter.

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