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How to create a cart using the Cart Builder

Ready to customize your instant price form? In this lesson, you learn how to edit an existing cart and build a cart from scratch.


How to edit an existing cart

To get started, hover over the GorillaDesk tab in the menu, then click the Cart Builder link.

Note: PowerCart is the default cart installed on your Home and primary Location page. So if you’d like to make changes to this cart, click the Edit link just below the cart’s name.

PowerCart Builder

To get started, click the Add Category button.

Then select a Category from the dropdown.

  • If you need to add one or more categories, click the Plus icon (âž•).

Next, click the Add Service button.

Then select a Service related to the Category from the dropdown.

  • If you need to add one or more services, click the Plus icon (âž•).

Next, select a Question related to the Service from the dropdown.

  • If you need to add one or more questions, click the Plus icon (âž•).
  • Note: Make questions easy to answer. You don’t want prospects to abandon the form.

Next, click the Add Parameter button.

  • If you need to add one or more parameters, click the Plus icon (âž•).

Finally, add your Prices and Values to each Parameter.

  • Prices are external, meaning prospects will see this price on the thank you page and confirmation email. If you set a Price to 0, prospects will NOT get an instant price.
  • Values are internal, and are used to help you calculate how much your leads are worth in the Dashboard and Reports area. So, you must add a value to each Parameter.

Note: Use the Duplicate Row button to clone Categories/Services and save time!

PowerCart Settings

Branding: Here is where you change the color of your buttons on hover.

  • To change the primary color, enter a hex color code OR use the color picker.

Step 1 Title: Here is where you can modify the titles for Step 1 in your instant price form.

  • To change the first step’s title, replace the text in the appropriate field.

Step 2 Title: Here is where you can modify the titles for Step 2 in your instant price form.

  • To change the second step’s title, replace the text in the appropriate field.

Step 3 Title: Here is where you can modify the titles for Step 3 in your instant price form.

  • To change the third step’s title, replace the text in the appropriate field.

Services With Price: Here is where you choose which thank you page prospects will be redirected to for services with a price. Our recommendation is /ty-instant-price/.

  • To set a thank you page, click the Select Link button.
  • Paste the URL or begin typing to search for the page (Thank You – Instant Price).

Services Without Price: Here is where you choose which thank you page prospects will be redirected to for services without a price. Our recommendation is /ty-inspection/.

  • To set a thank you page, click the Select Link button.
  • Paste the URL or begin typing to search for the page (Thank You – Inspection).

Live Preview

The Live Preview section allows you to view and test your cart before publishing it.

  • The vertical embed is located in the right sidebar.
  • The horizontal embed is located under the PowerCart Settings section.

To publish a cart, click the Publish button in the right sidebar.

To embed a cart, copy the Shortcode and paste it into an HTML widget on your website.

  • Vertical Shortcodes should be embedded on your Home and Location pages.
  • Horizontal Shortcodes should be embedded on your Service pages.

Manage PowerCart Content

The Manage PowerCart Content section contains links to each of your Master Lists. Here is where you can add and edit Categories, Services, Questions, and Parameters.

To access your Categories Master List, click the Manage Categories link.

  • To add a new category, click the Add New PowerCart Category button.
  • To edit an existing category, hover over the Category and click the Edit link.
    • Enter the new category name into the field and click the Update button.

Repeat these steps if you’d like to add or edit Services, Questions, and Parameters.


How to build a new cart

To create a new cart, click the Add Cart button.

Enter a cart title into the Add Title field.

The steps for the Builder, Settings, Live Preview, and Master Lists are the same as above.

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