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How to access your Leads

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to view all your leads at a glance and filter the list by the following fields: date, type, action, count, and channel.


Leads Table

To access the Leads Table, hover over the GorillaDesk label and click the Leads link.

The columns available to you in the Leads Tables are:

1. Full Name

For online quotes, the Full Name column returns the first and last name of the person who completed your instant price form. For phone calls, the Full Name column returns the caller ID of the person who called one of your tracking numbers (Website or GMB listing).

2. Types

The Type column lets you know what type of lead the person is:

  • Online Quote: this lead completed the instant price form on your website.
  • Phone Call: this lead called one of the tracking numbers on your website.
  • GMB Phone Call: this lead called the tracking number on your GMB listing.

3. Actions

For online quotes, the Action column can return any of the following values:

  • Complete: the instant price form was submitted with all the required fields.
  • Incomplete: the instant price form was abandoned before being submitted.

For phone calls, the Action column can return any of the following values:

  • Answered: the call was answered by a person or an automated phone system.
  • Missed: the phone rang at least once, and the call was either unanswered or rejected.
  • Voicemail: the call was either unanswered or rejected, but the caller left a voicemail.
  • Abandoned: the call was unanswered & ended less than 15 seconds after being placed.

4. Phone

For online quotes, the Phone column returns the phone number of the person who completed the instant price form. For phone calls, the Phone column returns the number of the person who called one of your tracking numbers (Website or Google My Business listing).

5. Email

For online quotes, the Email column returns the email address of the person who completed the instant price form. For phone calls, the Email column is left blank.

6. Value

For online quotes, the Value column returns the total value of the specific service (based on the category and parameter) selected by the lead. So if you haven’t already, please define a value for each of the services you’ve created in the Cart Builder so your metrics are accurate.

For phone calls, the Value column returns $130 by default. If you’d like to change the value for phone calls to a different number (low, average, etc.), please submit a ticket to our team.

7. Count

For online quotes and phone calls, the Count column can return either of the following values:

  • First-Time: This person has never requested a quote or called a tracking number before.
  • Repeat: This person has requested a quote or called a tracking number in the past.

8. Channel

For online quotes and phone calls, the Channel column can return any of these values:

  • Direct: the lead typed your URL into their browser and converted on your website.
  • Organic Search: the lead clicked an organic result on a search engine (e.g. Google, Yahoo, or Bing) and converted on your website.
  • Social: the lead clicked on a link from a popular social network (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and converted on your website.
  • Email: the lead clicked on a link in an email campaign and converted on your website.
  • Affiliates: the lead clicked on an affiliate link and converted on your website.
  • Referral: the lead clicked a link from on another website and converted on your website.
  • Paid Search: the lead clicked a paid text ad on a search engine (e.g. Google, Yahoo, or Bing) and converted on your website.
  • Other Advertising: the lead clicked on another ad type and converted on your website.
  • Display: the lead clicked a display or banner ad and converted on your website.
  • (Other): the lead clicked a link that doesn’t match the default channel definitions and converted on your website. This usually happens when you use custom parameters.

Note: The default Channel for GMB leads is Direct because there is only one way for leads to find your Google My Business listing, by searching for a relevant term on Google. So the best way to tell if a lead was generated by our Local SEO team is to filter Online Quotes and Phone Calls by the Organic Search channel and GMB Phone Calls by the Direct channel.

9. Date

For online quotes, the Date column returns the date and time the person submitted the instant price form. For phone calls, the Date column returns the date and time the person called a tracking number.

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