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Lesson 4 – Device Tracking

The device tracking feature will allow you to easily track the status of any devices or equipment at the service location. This is great for bait boxes, traps, or any device left in the field. 

If you want to drive more commercial and facility management business you’ll need proper reporting and tracking. This feature gives you the tools to confidently go out and win big business.

Start by attaching a barcode to any traps, devices or equipment you’d like to track on the job site. The GorillaDesk mobile app can scan these barcodes in the field to allow you to easily record any activity and findings.

Send detailed device reports along with your work orders to meet state requirements. Arm facility managers with the data they need to operate within compliance.

Click here for the full Knowledge Base article.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What type of barcode scanner can I use?

You are able to use the camera built into on your device or a barcode scanner with Bluetooth compatibility. Click here for some recommended hardware. 

What if I do not have barcodes on my devices?

Barcodes can be purchased from Amazon or other online suppliers. Click here for some recommended hardware.

Chat with Support

For any questions, you can start a live chat with a GorillaDesk representative from inside your account. The support team is available Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm EST.

Call our support line

Our support team is available for any support related questions Mon-Fri from 8 am-5 pm EST at 855-536-7470.

Still have questions?

Check out our Knowledge Base and YouTube channel.