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Lesson 3 – How to bill a customer on a different frequency than the job

This lesson will teach you all about some of the different billing frequencies for your customers. For example, a customer who is billed for their monthly job on a quarterly basis.  

In this video we’re going to talk all about some unique ways you can set up a job that is billed on a different frequency than the job is serviced. For example, a monthly service that is billed quarterly or a quarterly job that is billed annually.

Note: Any invoice changes/adjustments will not carry over to the next recurring invoice if the job has already been completed.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the significance of the 'Invoice Date' when setting up a recurring invoice?

On the specified invoice date, your invoice will be automatically generated and sent to the customer by email. Then, it will continue to generate a new invoice each time your invoice date and frequency occur. 

Please remember that the ‘Invoice Date’ will only apply to the NEXT invoice once the initial invoice has been created. This means you will need to add a payment to the initial invoice manually, then it will automatically send by email moving forward.  

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