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Lesson 5 – Creating a job and invoicing on the desktop

Now, it’s time for your service templates to come to life. Let’s take a look at how to create a job and invoice a customer.

Now that we have an understanding of our settings, as well as our service templates; it’s time to show you how to create a job and invoice from the desktop.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I set the price for my customer?

The price in your service template is intended to be a general cost. Once you’ve created a job for your customer, you can edit their invoice and set their price. If the invoice is attached to a recurring job, that price will continue to repeat with each job. 

What is the difference between a Top Note and Job Note?

Both the ‘Top Note’ and ‘Job Note’ are NOT visible to the client.

A ‘Top Note’ is a note that will appear on the top of all of that customer’s jobs. This is typically a gate code or any specific details pertaining to that customer.

A ‘Job Note’ is a note that will only appear on that specific job. For example, any findings or photos that pertain to that job only.

Chat with Support

For any questions, you can start a live chat with a GorillaDesk representative from inside your account. The support team is available Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm EST.

Call our support line

Our support team is available for any support related questions Mon-Fri from 8 am-5 pm EST at 855-536-7470.

Still have questions?

Check out our Knowledge Base and YouTube channel.